Emma Burdett

Scuba Diver

age: 25

Nationality: AUSTRALIA

Emma is a professional scuba diver from Perth, Australia. Born in New Zealand, Emma moved to Australia in 2009 to turn her scuba diving hobby into a profession. Her whole life is dedicated to diving, she works in a dive shop in Perth and loves nothing more than to spend her time in the sea with her friends exploring the underwater world.

Part of Emma’s job is organizing scuba diving trips to tropical locations all over the world. In the past she has taken groups to Fiji, Vanuatu, Philippines, and Indonesia but never to Okinawa. Despite the countless hours Emma has spent underwater, she has never had the chance to dive with manta rays. Luckily for Emma, Okinawa’s Ishigaki Island is famous for these majestic creatures, so we hope we can make her dream come true.