Okinawa is a group of sub-tropical islands in the south of Japan with an extraordinary history, famous for beautiful beaches, fantastic food and warm-hearted locals with an authentic way of living... but what makes Okinawa truly unique is the effect it has on people. These magical islands open your heart and purify your spirit. Okinawa is a place where you can’t help but be your true self. We’ve invited six people from around the world to visit Okinawa. Each has a secret they’re keeping from their loved ones. Join us over the next six episodes to find out what happens. Be Yourself, Be Okinawa
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Julie flies to Okinawa with her father, Lonnie to tell him a very sensitive personal secret.
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Eric flies to Okinawa and pulls off a very romantic surprise for his supportive wife, Isabelle.
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Mara takes her boyfriend to the tropical islands of Okinawa to tell him the truth about the night they met.
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Priscilla takes her parents to Okinawa to reveal her secret to them in a very special way.
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Pop takes his girlfriend to Okinawa to reveal his secret, which will make her think seriously about their future together.
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Watch as Lucy confronts her husband with her secret in Okinawa and see how the magical islands help her re-embrace her happiness.